Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Molly fingers 5 days old

Molly fingers 5 days old, originally uploaded by jakevenard.

Molly turned 5 days old today. Two weeks ago time was crawling with anticipation. Could it be today? Now we can't believe that it was a week ago tomorrow that Trina went into labor, we went 24 hrs-plus without sleep and met little Molly. I've had a friend say to cherish every minute of it, and now I am seeing what he means.

We had our first checkup with the doctor yesterday. Both Molly and Trina checked out perfectly. Molly had actually gained weight since leaving the hospital (babies often loose a bit of weight initially). We weren't surprised by this given her appetite. Trina and Molly had to do a demonstration breast feeding for the doc to confirm that she was getting enough. The doc was impressed.

We followed up the doctor visit with a trip to the lunch buffet at the Royal India restaurant just down the road from the house. It is a good thing that place isn't within walking distance of my office, or I'd be getting large. Molly just slept in her car seat while we gorged ourselves on naan bread, chutneys, tandori chicken, and all sorts of awesome food we couldn't identify.

How quickly things develop. Molly has kicked into full gear for eating, and of course, the dijon diaper fillings. Her record so far is 3 dijon diapers in an hour. We've discovered that her sleep-wake patterns are similar to in the womb. She is the most awake between 9:00 and 10:00 pm, the same as when Trina was thinking she had a boy to be name Pele in her belly.

We've been getting enough sleep by taking turns feeding and diaper changing. Last night I took the late duty and fed her between 11:00 and midnight, and she fell asleep at about 12:30 a.m. Trina was asleep at 11:00 and got up at 3:15 to feed Molly, etc. then back to sleep until 6:00 when we both were up from there on. That allows us about 5.5 hours of sleep pieced together. Somehow we are both doing fine without a nap today. I'm curious what tonight and tomorrow will bring.

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